Mastermoves on the filmset with Olli Dittrich and Cordula Stratmann
Olli Dittrich in his new format
“Das TalkGespräch” satirizes evening talk shows.
Therefore he transforms himself
into five different people with Cordula Stratmann as host.
In this 30 minute talk round Olli Dittrich not only plays all the guests (including the musical act) himself, but also does it at the same time.
This diverse acting is only possible with the help of Motion Control and the deployment of numerous moving cameras. So Mastermoves covered the set with several rigs.
To get five Olli Dittrichs in the same picture, we had to film the whole talk show setting after setting for each person. Later those multi layer shots were composed in postproduction.
Never before has there been a production of a complete show under live-conditions with original sound in this format.
“Das TalkGespräch” is a production of the Westdeutschen Rundfunks Köln and beckground tv.
Date of broadcasting is the
27th December 2016 at 11:15pm
on ARD.